Lo Scuoiamente The Mindskinner

Duskmourn: House of Horror

Lo Scuoiamente
  • Costo di mana: {U}{U}{U}
  • Prezzo USD: $1.73 (foil: $2.02)
  • CMC: 3
  • Prezzo EUR: €0.44 (foil: €0.91)
  • Tipo: Creatura Incantesimo Leggendaria
  • TIX: 0.02
  • Sottotipo: Incubo
  • Rank Edhrec: 5688
  • Rarità: Rara
  • Altre info: Foil e Non Foil
  • Versioni: Duskmourn: House of HorrorDuskmourn: House of HorrorDuskmourn: House of Horror PromosDuskmourn: House of Horror Promos
 Altre carte nel SET 
Lo Scuoiamente non può essere bloccato.
Se una fonte che controlli sta per infliggere danno a un avversario, previeni quel danno e ogni avversario macina altrettante carte.

Restrizioni sui formati

Standard Legal Modern Legal
Vintage Legal Legacy Legal
Commander Legal Brawl Legal
Pauper Not legal Future Legal
Penny Legal Duel Legal
Oldschool Not legal


If you somehow control more than one of The Mindskinner, the multiple replacement effects will have no effect. Damage dealt to an opponent by a source you control will be replaced only once with that opponent milling that many cards.

Andamento prezzo

15-01-2025 $1.65 €0.43
12-01-2025 $1.75 €0.40
11-01-2025 $1.78 €0.39
10-01-2025 $1.74 €0.41
07-01-2025 $1.81 €0.43
05-01-2025 $1.66 €0.46
04-01-2025 $1.80 €0.45
01-01-2025 $1.76 €0.46
24-12-2024 $1.62 €0.49
23-12-2024 $1.74 €0.47