Pia Nalaar, Console della Rinascita Pia Nalaar, Consul of Revival

March of the Machine: The Aftermath

Pia Nalaar, Console della Rinascita
  • Costo di mana: {R}{W}
  • Prezzo USD (foil): $4.57
  • CMC: 2
  • Prezzo EUR (foil): €5.19
  • Tipo: Creatura Leggendaria
  • TIX: 0.00
  • Sottotipo: Artefice Umano
  • Rank Edhrec: 6940
  • Rarità: Rara
  • Altre info: Solo Foil
  • Versioni: March of the Machine: The AftermathMarch of the Machine: The AftermathMarch of the Machine: The AftermathMarch of the Machine: The AftermathMarch of the Machine: The Aftermath
 Altre carte nel SET 
I Totteri che controlli hanno rapidità.
Ogniqualvolta giochi una terra dall'esilio o lanci una magia dall'esilio, crea una pedina creatura artefatto Tottero 1/1 incolore con volare.

Restrizioni sui formati

Standard Legal Modern Legal
Vintage Legal Legacy Legal
Commander Legal Brawl Legal
Pauper Not legal Future Legal
Penny Legal Duel Legal
Oldschool Not legal


Once a Thopter that came under your control this turn has legally attacked, causing it to lose haste by removing Pia Nalaar won't remove that Thopter from combat. It will just keep attacking. Good Thopter.

Andamento prezzo

26-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
25-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
24-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
23-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
22-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
21-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
20-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
19-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
18-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
17-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
16-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
15-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
14-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
13-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
12-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
11-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
10-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
09-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
08-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
07-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
06-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
05-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
04-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
03-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
02-08-2024 $4.57 €5.19
01-08-2024 $4.59 €5.19
31-07-2024 $4.59 €5.19
30-07-2024 $4.59 €5.19
29-07-2024 $4.59 €5.19
28-07-2024 $4.59 €5.19