Sarkhan, Anima in Fiamme Sarkhan, Soul Aflame
March of the Machine: The Aftermath
- Costo di mana:
- Prezzo USD: $6.29 (foil: $6.96)
- CMC: 3
- Prezzo EUR: €8.34 (foil: €12.70)
- Tipo: Creatura Leggendaria
- TIX: 0.00
- Sottotipo: Sciamano Umano
- Rank Edhrec: 3534
- Rarità: Mitica
- Altre info: Foil e Non Foil
- Versioni:
Le magie Drago che lanci costano in meno per essere lanciate.
Ogniqualvolta un Drago entra nel campo di battaglia sotto il tuo controllo, puoi far diventare Sarkhan, Anima in Fiamme una copia di esso fino alla fine del turno, tranne che il suo nome è Sarkhan, Anima in Fiamme ed è leggendario in aggiunta ai suoi altri tipi.
Le magie Drago che lanci costano in meno per essere lanciate.
Ogniqualvolta un Drago entra nel campo di battaglia sotto il tuo controllo, puoi far diventare Sarkhan, Anima in Fiamme una copia di esso fino alla fine del turno, tranne che il suo nome è Sarkhan, Anima in Fiamme ed è leggendario in aggiunta ai suoi altri tipi.
Restrizioni sui formati
Standard | Legal | Modern | Legal |
Vintage | Legal | Legacy | Legal |
Commander | Legal | Brawl | Legal |
Pauper | Not legal | Future | Legal |
Penny | Legal | Duel | Legal |
Oldschool | Not legal |
12-05-2023 wotc | If the copied Dragon has {X} in its mana cost, X is 0. |
12-05-2023 wotc | If the copied Dragon is a token, Sarkhan copies the original characteristics of that token as stated by the effect that created that token, with the noted exceptions. |
12-05-2023 wotc | Sarkhan's first ability doesn't change the mana cost or mana value of any Dragon spell. It changes only the total cost you pay. |
12-05-2023 wotc | If the Dragon that enters the battlefield is legendary and you have Sarkhan copy it, the two Dragons will have different names (unless the entering Dragon is somehow named Sarkhan, Soul Aflame). The "legend rule" won't apply. |
12-05-2023 wotc | That ability can't reduce the amount of colored mana you pay for a Dragon spell. It reduces only the generic component of that cost. |
12-05-2023 wotc | In some unusual cases, the Dragon that entered the battlefield will be copying something else by the time Sarkhan's ability resolves. In such a case, Sarkhan will copy whatever the Dragon is copying, with the noted exceptions. |
12-05-2023 wotc | Sarkhan copies exactly what was printed on the original Dragon and nothing else, with the noted exceptions (unless that creature is a token; see below). It doesn't copy whether that creature is tapped or untapped, whether it has any counters on it or Auras and Equipment attached to it, or any non-copy effects that have changed its power, toughness, types, color, and so on in response to Sarkhan's ability. |