Tête d'aiguille tranchesang Razorkin Needlehead

Duskmourn: House of Horror

Tête d'aiguille tranchesang
  • Coût de mana: {R}{R}
  • Coût USD: $3.88 (foil: $4.51)
  • CMC: 2
  • Coût EUR: €0.00 (foil: €0.00)
  • Typologie: Créature
  • TIX: 0.02
  • Sous-type: humain et assassin
  • Rank Edhrec: 2323
  • Rareté: Rare
  • Autres info: Foil / Pas Foil
  • Versions: Duskmourn: House of HorrorDuskmourn: House of HorrorDuskmourn: House of Horror PromosDuskmourn: House of Horror Promos
 Autres cartes du SET 
La Tête d'aiguille tranchesang a l'initiative pendant votre tour.
À chaque fois qu'un adversaire pioche une carte, la Tête d'aiguille tranchesang lui inflige 1 blessure.

Restrictions sur les formats

Standard Legal Modern Legal
Vintage Legal Legacy Legal
Commander Legal Brawl Legal
Pauper Not legal Future Legal
Penny Not legal Duel Legal
Oldschool Not legal


If a spell or ability causes an opponent to put cards into their hand without specifically using the word "draw," it's not a card drawn.

Tendance des prix

16-02-2025 $3.59 €0.00
14-02-2025 $3.64 €0.00
10-02-2025 $3.58 €0.00
09-02-2025 $3.88 €0.00
08-02-2025 $3.87 €0.00
07-02-2025 $3.89 €0.00
05-02-2025 $3.70 €0.00
01-02-2025 $3.76 €0.00
30-01-2025 $3.78 €0.00
27-01-2025 $3.36 €0.00
26-01-2025 $3.82 €0.00
24-01-2025 $4.25 €0.00
21-01-2025 $4.32 €0.00
20-01-2025 $4.04 €0.00
19-01-2025 $4.14 €0.00
18-01-2025 $4.43 €0.00