Nissa, animiste résurgente Nissa, Resurgent Animist

March of the Machine: The Aftermath

Nissa, animiste résurgente
  • Coût de mana: {2}{G}
  • Coût USD: $0.00 (foil: $0.00)
  • CMC: 3
  • Coût EUR: €0.00 (foil: €0.00)
  • Typologie: Créature légendaire
  • TIX: 0.91
  • Sous-type: elfe
  • Rank Edhrec: 2134
  • Rareté: Mythique
  • Autres info: Foil / Pas Foil
  • Versions: March of the Machine: The Aftermath PromosMarch of the Machine: The AftermathMarch of the Machine: The AftermathMarch of the Machine: The AftermathMarch of the Machine: The Aftermath
 Autres cartes du SET 
Toucheterre — À chaque fois qu'un terrain arrive sur le champ de bataille sous votre contrôle, ajoutez un mana de la couleur de votre choix. Puis, si c'est la deuxième fois que cette capacité s'est résolue ce tour-ci, révélez les cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque jusqu'à ce que vous révéliez une carte d'elfe ou d'élémental. Mettez cette carte dans votre main et le reste au-dessous de votre bibliothèque dans un ordre aléatoire.

Restrictions sur les formats

Standard Legal Modern Legal
Vintage Legal Legacy Legal
Commander Legal Brawl Legal
Pauper Not legal Future Legal
Penny Not legal Duel Legal
Oldschool Not legal


Whenever a land you control enters, each landfall ability of the permanents you control will trigger. You can put them   on the stack in any order. The last ability you put on the stack will be the first one to resolve (As a result, you can have those abilities resolve in the order of your choosing.).
A landfall ability triggers whenever a land you control enters for any reason. It triggers whenever you play a land, as well as whenever a spell or ability puts a land onto the battlefield under your control.
A landfall ability doesn't trigger if a permanent already on the battlefield becomes a land.
Each time the landfall ability resolves in a turn after the second time, you'll just add mana.
If you reveal your entire library and don't reveal an Elf or Elemental card, you'll put all revealed cards back in a random order. This uses the same physical action as shuffling, although it isn't technically a "shuffle."
Nissa's landfall ability isn't a mana ability, even though it causes you to add mana. It uses the stack and can be responded to.

Tendance des prix

16-02-2025 $0.00 €0.00
14-02-2025 $0.00 €0.00
10-02-2025 $0.00 €0.00
09-02-2025 $0.00 €0.00
08-02-2025 $0.00 €0.00
07-02-2025 $0.00 €0.00
05-02-2025 $0.00 €0.00
01-02-2025 $0.00 €0.00
30-01-2025 $0.00 €0.00
27-01-2025 $0.00 €0.00
26-01-2025 $0.00 €0.00
24-01-2025 $0.00 €0.00
21-01-2025 $0.00 €0.00
20-01-2025 $0.00 €0.00
19-01-2025 $0.00 €0.00
18-01-2025 $0.00 €0.00