Fleeting Distraction


Fleeting Distraction
  • Mana cost: {U}
  • Price USD: $0.02 (foil: $0.05)
  • CMC: 1
  • Price EUR: €0.05 (foil: €0.05)
  • Type: Instant
  • TIX: 0.01
  • Subtype: -
  • Edhrec Rank: 9461
  • Rarity: Common
  • Other info: Foil and Not Foil
  • Versions: FoundationsJumpstart 2022The ListConspiracy: Take the CrownDuel Decks: Speed vs. CunningAvacyn RestoredRise of the Eldrazi
 Other cards in this SET 
Target creature gets -1/-0 until end of turn.
Draw a card.

Formats restrictions

Standard Legal Modern Legal
Vintage Legal Legacy Legal
Commander Legal Brawl Legal
Pauper Legal Future Legal
Penny Legal Duel Legal
Oldschool Not legal


If the targeted creature is an illegal target when Fleeting Distraction tries to resolve, it won't resolve and none of its effects will happen. You won't draw a card.
If the targeted creature is an illegal target by the time Fleeting Distraction resolves, the spell doesn't resolve. You won't draw a card.

Price trend

02-16-2025 $0.01 €0.05
02-14-2025 $0.01 €0.06
02-10-2025 $0.02 €0.06
02-09-2025 $0.02 €0.06
02-08-2025 $0.02 €0.05
02-07-2025 $0.02 €0.05
02-05-2025 $0.02 €0.05
02-01-2025 $0.02 €0.06
01-30-2025 $0.02 €0.05
01-27-2025 $0.02 €0.05
01-26-2025 $0.01 €0.04
01-24-2025 $0.01 €0.05
01-21-2025 $0.02 €0.05
01-20-2025 $0.02 €0.04
01-19-2025 $0.02 €0.04
01-18-2025 $0.02 €0.04