Empyrean Eagle


Empyrean Eagle
  • Mana cost: {1}{W}{U}
  • Price USD: $0.06 (foil: $0.13)
  • CMC: 3
  • Price EUR: €0.10 (foil: €0.16)
  • Type: Creature
  • TIX: 0.01
  • Subtype: Bird Spirit
  • Edhrec Rank: 3213
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Other info: Foil and Not Foil
  • Versions: FoundationsThe ListStarter Commander DecksKaldheim CommanderCore Set 2020
 Other cards in this SET 
Other creatures you control with flying get +1/+1.

Formats restrictions

Standard Legal Modern Legal
Vintage Legal Legacy Legal
Commander Legal Brawl Legal
Pauper Not legal Future Legal
Penny Legal Duel Legal
Oldschool Not legal


Because damage remains marked on a creature until it's removed as the turn ends, nonlethal damage dealt to other creatures you control with flying may become lethal if Empyrean Eagle leaves the battlefield during that turn.

Price trend

02-10-2025 $0.09 €0.05
02-09-2025 $0.06 €0.05
02-08-2025 $0.05 €0.05
02-07-2025 $0.05 €0.05
02-05-2025 $0.04 €0.06
02-01-2025 $0.04 €0.06
01-30-2025 $0.06 €0.07
01-27-2025 $0.08 €0.09
01-26-2025 $0.07 €0.09
01-24-2025 $0.07 €0.11
01-21-2025 $0.07 €0.12
01-20-2025 $0.06 €0.13
01-19-2025 $0.06 €0.13
01-18-2025 $0.06 €0.14
01-17-2025 $0.06 €0.15
01-15-2025 $0.09 €0.15
01-12-2025 $0.07 €0.15